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Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge First - Luke Prodromou


27 Mar, 2013 08:33 1904 Marime text
Offers exam takers extensive and balanced coverage of both grammar and vocabulary. Develop both skills with just one book! Each unit consists of 5 subsections: 3 grammar and 2 vocabulary and each subsection opens with a grammar or vocabulary presentation page followed by practice exercises. Additional explanations to make grammar understanding even more easy and additional exercises for guaranteed success! When it comes to vocabulary this edition makes it easy for you: additional development of FCE vocabulary with the help of the Word Store at the back of the book. This section presents vocabulary in topic areas,going beyond individual words to cover collocation and phrases. More up-to-date texts and topics to keep students motivated to learn. Exam success is ensured by continuous practice and testing in exam format: entry tests lead students clearly to the appropriate practice according to their needs, comprehensive practice in each unit focused on presented grammar and vocabulary.
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