First Mark, now Pei-Pei Why did the dolphin brought from China for the Constanta Aquarium died
First Mark, now Pei-Pei: Why did the dolphin brought from China for the Constanta Aquarium died
12 Jun, 2013 00:01
ZIUA de Constanta
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According to Adrian Bâlbă, the Director of the Museum of Natural Sciences, Pei-Pei had an older disorder and died due to peritonitis. "It's a unlike situation for us. The dolphin had an older suffering. Since last winter it began to eat less and had a lethargic behavior. It received the newest drugs, but unfortunately it died. We’ll send samples taken at Central Veterinary Laboratory in Bucharest", explained Adrian Bâlbă. Pei-Pei had life insurance worth 135,000 euros. As the two females left alive, one of 5 years old and the other of 6 years old, for now they don’t need a male because they can’t be pregnant until the age of 9.
Pei-Pei will be cremated
What is going to do the Aquarium with Pei-Pei’s insurance money?
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