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First Mark, now Pei-Pei Why did the dolphin brought from China for the Constanta Aquarium died


12 Jun, 2013 00:01 2459 Marime text
Sunday, Constanta Aquarium lost Pei-Pei, a 5 years old male dolphin, which was brought from China in 2010, with females Ni-Ni and Chen-Chen.

According to Adrian Bâlbă, the Director of the Museum of Natural Sciences, Pei-Pei had an older disorder and died due to peritonitis. "It's a unlike situation for us. The dolphin had an older suffering. Since last winter it began to eat less and had a lethargic behavior. It received the newest drugs, but unfortunately it died. We’ll send samples taken at Central Veterinary Laboratory in Bucharest", explained Adrian Bâlbă. Pei-Pei had life insurance worth 135,000 euros. As the two females left alive, one of 5 years old and the other of 6 years old, for now they don’t need a male because they can’t be pregnant until the age of 9.
Pei-Pei will be cremated

Director of the Museum of Natural Sciences said that Pei-Pei will be cremated this week. "Because the law does not allow us to bury him in the sea, Pei-Pei will be cremated, most likely to Protan Constanta" added Adrian Bâlbă. The dolphins, two females and one male, Ni-Ni (Little Girl), Pei-Pei (Baby) and Chen-Chen (Sunrise) were brought to Constanta Aquarium in May 2010. The three stars were brought from Beijing Aquarium in China and Constanta County Council paid for them 360,000 euros plus 200,000 for transport. Since July 2009, after the death of dolphin Mark, the oldest mammal of Constanta Aquarium, until May 2010, visitors could only watch demonstrations of two sea lions.
What is going to do the Aquarium with Pei-Pei’s insurance money?

When asked whether the Museum of Natural Sciences will purchase another dolphin with the money they will receive for Pei-Pei’s life insurance by, Adrian Bâlbă said the Aquarium will enter into a extensive rehabilitation process and more dolphins are going to be purchased. "The County Council supports the initiative to obtain EU funds to renovate the pool and to create more seats for our viewers. We have two projects regarding covering of the Aquarium and changing the dolphin pool filtration system. First project considers the coverage of the Aquarium and doubling the seats. This project begins this fall. Basically, we’ll have two indoor pools, one smaller and one with a larger capacity. Therefore, we might purchase more dolphins. I don’t know if we are going to get them from China too, because dolphins over there are from the Indian Ocean and they are large", said Adrian Bâlbă.
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