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Liviu Dragnea and other government members, present at the event RAJA Constanta Company attends WATER Expo 2013


12 Jun, 2013 00:34 3126 Marime text
From 10 to 12 June, at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest, takes place the 15th edition of the WATER Expo 2013 event, organized by the Romanian Water Association and the Water Ownership in Romania, under the IWA. The event hosts 120 stands of regional water operators and manufacturers of water treatment equipments.

Every year, this event is attended by more than 1,500 representatives of operators of public water supply and sewerage, of central and local institutes, of universities and research institutes, of international organizations in the field, of the European Commission and of international financial institutions. Participants at this year's event include Liviu Dragnea - Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Petru Filip - vice president of the Senate, Valeriu Ştefan Zgonea - president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rovana Plumb - Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Eugen Orlando Teodorovici - Minister of EU Funds, Lucia Ana Varga - Minister of Water, Forests and Fisheries, Constantin Niţă - Minister of Energy, Glen Daigger - President of the International Water Association (IWA), Jaime Baptista - President of the World Water Congress (WWC), Doru Ciocan - President of ANRSC (Regulatory Authority for Local Public Services) and Benoit Nadler - European Commission representative.

RAJA Constanta Company couldn’t miss this event. The water operator from Constanta has absorbed from the European Union funds of over 300 million euros, money used for development projects. The company RAJA occupies a leading position among national companies of the member countries. RAJA Constanta company was represented at WATER Expo 2013 by its general manager, Felix Stroe.
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