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Who gets the contracts for rehabilitation of the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea coast


13 Jul, 2013 23:33 2977 Marime text

Dobrogea Litoral Water Basin Administration will pay 409,320,311.09 RON (Romanian lei) for protection and rehabilitation works of the southern part of the Romanian Black Sea coast. The contract was awarded after an open tender to a association between companies so that, according to the contract award notice, the contract was divided as follows: association of Porr Bau GmbH - Franco Giuseppe SRL – Dinamica SRL - 42.914.859.09 lei, while for the association of Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV - Societatea de Construcţii în Transporturi Bucureşti SA (Transport Construction Company Bucharest) were concluded four contracts for 112,564,182 RON, 80,914,214 RON, 67,810,786 RON and 105,116,270 RON.
Porr Bau GmbH’s headquarter is in Vienna. The second firm - Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors -, based in Rotterdam, Netherlands, is known on the Romanian market, especially in Constanţa, as the winner of the auction for Constanta Port offshore breakwater execution, auction organized by Maritime Ports Administration SA Constanţa. The value of the contract amounts 99,94 million EURO.

Getting back to the contract with Dobrogea Litoral Water Basin Administration worth 409,320,311.09 RON, here are the responsibilities assumed by each winning companies: the object of the contract obtained by the association Porr Bau GmbH - Franco Giuseppe SRL - Dinamica SRL, for which they received four offers but only one was admitted, is "protection and rehabilitation of the southern Romanian coast of the Black Sea in Constanta City area". The contract value is 42,914,859.09 RON.

"Protection and rehabilitation of the southern Romanian Black Sea coastal zone in North Tomis area" is the subject of another contract worth 134,15 million RON, awarded to the association Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV - Transport Construction Company Bucharest SA. The same association of companies have won the contracts for "protection and rehabilitation of the southern area of the Romanian Black Sea coast in the Center Tomis area" worth 80,914,214 RON, "protection and rehabilitation of the southern area of the Romanian seaside Black Sea in South Tomis area" - 67,810,786 RON and "protection and rehabilitation of the southern Romanian Black Sea coast in the North Eforie area" - 105,116,270 RON. The main places of execution are Constanta, Mamaia and North Eforie.
Related to this project, the spokesman of Dobrogea Litoral Water Basin Administration, Catalin Anton, said: "This is a major project at the European level, the European Union contributing with 145 million euros to its development. The works covered by these contracts must be completed by 2015. These are only the first phase of a larger project that will cover the entire coast. The European Union will provide 500 million euros for this project in 2015 - 2020."
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