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Inca mai ai profil virtual?


06 May, 2011 15:45 1356 Marime text
Te-ai jucat suficient de-a moda pe Facebook, "spionând" viata publica/privata a celorlalti? Daca pentru tine a fost o joaca, uneori cu multa tensiune (si pierdere de timp) in micile razboaie online, pentru altii acest joc inseamna sume colosale de bani facute exact gratie naivitatii tale.CNN prezinta noua generatie de reclame care stiu perfect cine esti, ce faci si ce iti place, evident .... anonim ca in Matrix. "Imagine an ad that stares back at you when you glance at it -- analyzing your face, your age, and who you're with.Then imagine that ad going one step further, changing its message to display something its analysis suggests will hook you.That's what Immersive Labs, a New York City startup launching this week, is trying to do. They've created a prototype of a system that allows ads to analyze their viewers.The software they attach to digital billboards tracks everything from viewers' demographic profiles -- their age, gender, and estimated attention span -- to how many people they're with and how long the spend viewing the ad." (articol intreg aici)
Nu putem scapa de publicitate mai ales in mediul virtual, insa de mai bine de doi ani am gasit metoda ca reclamele pe care oricum le primesc in mail sa imi fie remunerate. Totul are un pret ... chiar si spamul, important e sa gasesti solutia, iar cele câteva secunde pierdute zilnic sa le transformi intr-un parfum de lux peste câteva luni.
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