Fondul Documentar Dobrogea de ieri și de azi
Ziua Constanta
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Bancul zilei Injuraturi romanesti - varianta in engleza


09 Jun, 2011 22:03 5031 Marime text


Ce puii mei? - What my chickens?

Du-te-n pisicii ma-tii! - go into your mother's cats!
Ce pusca mea? - what my gun?
Ce pana mea?! - What my feather?!
Ce basca mea? - What my hat?
Ceapa matii - Your mother's onions
E cu capu! - He is with the head
Da-te-n sange - Go into blood
Ga-te-n spanac! - Go into the spinach!
Nu ma freca la icre - Don't rub my fish eggs!
Iaca frec menta - Just rubbing the mint
Ma doare la basca/cot/cur - my hat hurts, my elbow hurts, my butt hurts
Plimba ursul - Go walk the bear
Ma doare-n paispe - It hurts in my fourteen

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