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A drug dealer net has been annihilated


29 Apr, 2009 04:02 4727 Marime text
droguri_deschidere.jpgSix young men, between 18 and 22 years old, were integrated to a net of trading dangerous drugs. Their illegal activity was going on in Constanţa and Tulcea counties, when they got caught by Constanţa Crime Task Force.

This net had been being watched by Tulcea Organised Crime Task Service and by their colleagues in Constanţa for about three months. The research of policemen referred to the fact that some persons from Tulcea were selling important quantities of hashish which were coming from a Constanţa source. Consequently they infiltrated an agent under cover in order to track down that particular source and to destroy the entire net.

The activity of policemen was fructified Wednesday evening, when Adrian-Laurenţiu Tănase, Bogdan-Ionuţ Dobriţă and Dan-Teodor Aneste, all age 22, were caught in the act on Primăverii St, Farul Arena area. These asked from the investigator under cover the sum of 2,000 lei, that is 40 lei per gram, against the hashish quantity.

Once the act done, policemen also discovered that the youngsters had with them 50 grams of cannabis resin, out of which 10 grams were put inside one door of the car they were driving.

droguri_tulcea_3.jpgAdrian Trofinescu, age 21, Adrian Mihalcea, age 19 and the youngest member, Ionelia Bicoi, age 18, were also involved in the net of those three persons mentioned above. There were two instances in which they sold hashish cigarettes to an agent under cover, having no clue of what was in for them.

According to the statements of Aurelian Pavel, policemen gathered, from their experience, that the most probable source of drugs is Morocco.

Brought before Tulcea Tribunal, DIICOT prosecutors issued on Thursday detention orders for Tănase and Aneste. The request for preventive detention was overruled, but they were bound not to leave the borders of Romania for the following 29 days. The other four persons were bound not to leave the country for the following 30 days.

They will all be inquired at liberty and their actions may have them spend from three to fifteen years behind the bars.

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