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Abuses of the municipality inspectors, reported in court


14 Apr, 2009 01:10 1641 Marime text
Petrica_Munteanu.jpgThe trial of Constanţa municipality inspectors, accused of corruption, went on yesterday, in the court, with the hearing of witnesses.

Among those who agreed to testify was Aida Bratu, the accountant of BCD Intermed company, whose representatives state that they were prejudiced with 2 million Euros, because of the actions of Petrică Munteanu and of other Constanţa municipality employees. The woman spoke about the way the municipality inspectors requested certain sums of money which they called "sponsorship". "I heard with my own ears when they mentioned this ‘sponsorship' ", declared the accountant. She also mentioned that "they let us suppose that it would be better if they helped us to get the authorisation and if not, there would be some repercussions". The woman told that, subsequently, the checks on the company were much more frequent and eventually the company's activity was abridged, by positioning some little stakes, in three stages.

"All those checks", said Aida Bratu, "would end in a monthly protocol and I suspect they did not do more so that nobody could suspect that they would be harassing us". The court set the next term on 21st of April.

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