The Agent Bujduveanu, between CIA and the plot of land from Mihai Viteazu
The Agent Bujduveanu, between CIA and the plot of land from Mihai Viteazu
Traian Bujduveanu, the American
citizen of Romanian origin who alerted the world of secret services after being
accused of supplying "military materials" to Iran, is fighting with the local
administration belonging to his native commune and with the Prefecture from
Constanta for some hectares of land in Mihai Viteazu.
Bujduveanu is native from the
village Sinoe, Mihai Viteazu commune and his name is connected with CIA and FBI
services. His countrymen don't know anything about him since the Revolution
when, they say, he ran in the United States. According to the newspaper
"Jurnalul National", edition dated from the 9th of October 2008, the
American citizen of Romanian origin, Traian Bujduveanu was arrested in Florida
for supplying "military materials" to Iran. "Bujduveanu is a personage with an
extremely interesting biography. In the 1980s he was seen with the Panama chief
of the secret services, 2 weeks before 21st of December 1989 he was
meeting Nicolae Ceausescu at his palace in the Primaverii quarter in Bucharest.
Later he was seen in the Bucharest North Korea Embassy. His file from the
United States contains explosive data" were writing the editors from the up
mentioned newspaper.
The agents too listen to the "Voice of the Land"
Few years ago, the American with roots in Constanta returned to his native lands to come into possession of the land inherited from his parents. To receive his plot of land, he began a law suit in 2007. The file with the number 13037/212/2007 arrived at a second instance, the appeal being registered at the Civil Section of the Constanta Law Court on the 16th of July 2008. Bujduveanu prosecuted the commune committee for application of the land's laws of the Mihai Viteazu town hall and the County Committee for establishing the ownership of the land from the Prefecture of Constanta. The trial was adjourned on the 7th of August 2008, under the article 242, point 2 from the Code of Civil Procedure, more precisely because none of the two parts involved did show. The action in court will be resumed when one of the two parts will request this.
The land for which Bujduveanu went
to law with the town hall from Mihai Viteazu and with the Prefecture of
Constanta has a surface of ten hectares and it belonged to Bujduveanu's father.
Grameni: "I wrote 16 pages for him at DNA"
Contacted telephonically, the mayor
from the commune Mihai Viteazu, Gheorghe Grameni confirmed that the person in
cause is "agent Bujduveanu". He said that the land was claimed by Bujduveanu
ever since 1998 when there was another mayor at the Mihai Viteazu town hall.
"He prosecuted us because we couldn't give him the land initially due to the
fact that he had 2 maps missing from his file. Ultimately he submitted the
file, it was completed and he was given the property deed and the report of
putting in possession. The problem is that those documents remained a long
period of time at The Office of Survey and Real Estate Advertising, arrived at
the Prefecture in the time of election, in November 2008 and have never been
signed. The present prefect said he doesn't sign these documents 7 of them-
because he doesn't want to sign after the other one" declared Gheorghe Grameni.
The first added that, along with Bujduveanu there are also two inhabitants of
Sinoe who became American citizens, one with ten hectares and the other with
five. The mayor from Mihai Viteazu declared that Bujduveanu made him a
complaint at DNA in which he states that he was investigated by the
prosecutors. "I didn't write so much in my life. I wrote 16 pages at DNA for
him" declared Grameni.
Brailoiu: "I will do all that is legally possible"
Contacted telephonically, the prefect of the County of Constanta,Tit Liviu Brailoiu has declared to us that it was normally for the documents whose property deeds have been debated before his arrival to be signed at that moment. "I can't decide now upon some property deeds debated two years ago, in 2006 or 2007, when I was named in this position in January 2009. But, to figure it out, I wait for the owners of the lands in discussion, in audience, every Tuesday from 1 p.m. in order to make everything that is legally possible" said Tit-Liviu Brailoiu.Urmareste-ne pe Grupul de Whatsapp
- Ion Dreptate 12 Oct, 2010 17:21 Regretam ca am intrerupt planurile pe care si le facusera aceste "Mari Personalitati" cu pamantul altora. Furtul,de orice fel,a fost si va ramane la moda in Romania.Numai ca de data aceasta s-a sesizat DNA si i-a speriat putin pe acesti "Furaciosi Notorii" Deh.."Planul de acasa nu se potriveste cu cel de la targ"...