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A pack of stray dogs attacked a tourist in Mamaia Foreigner bitten by stray dogs in a world wide known resort


17 Dec, 2013 00:10 2343 Marime text
Saturday night, around 6:45 p.m., a foreign tourist was attacked by dogs in Mamaia, outside Park Hotel, while heading to a taxi. At one point, several dogs have surrounded her and one of them bit her thigh. With her leg bitten, the young woman tried to run, but one of the stray dogs remained hanging her thigh. After escaping the pack, the young woman called 112 and asked for help. The young woman is 24 years old and she came from Turkey to study biology in Constanta.
Did SMURD arrive in time?
Although it was speculated that SMURD (Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication) crew arrived at the scene after about 25 minutes because the driver understood he must go to Perla Hotel, head of the Emergency Unit and coordinator of SMURD Constanta, Dr. Rodica Tudoran, said that request was made at 6.49 p.m. and the crew arrived at the scene at 7.02 p.m. "The crew didn’t misunderstand the address and arrived at 7.02 p.m. The request was recorded at 6.49 p.m. The patient did not have open wounds and no bleeding. She had superficial wounds and she was given the necessary medical assistance", said Dr. Rodica Tudoran. The Taxi drivers who have seen the incident say that in low season the Mamaia entrance area is full of dangerous dogs. Animals attack any tourist who dares to walk on Mamaia Boulevard sidewalk after dark.

How many dogs are there in Constanta
And here we go back to the problem of stray dogs in Constanta. According to representatives of local administration, in Constanta, in the public spaces (this does not include industrial sites, Port of Constanta and companies backyards) there are about 10,000 stray dogs. In the city, there is also a shelter for stray animals in Constanta. There is where the stray dogs are taken, ear tagged, cared for and fed for a period of 7 days. The dogs receive veterinary treatments and vaccines and they are dewormed. The sick dogs are euthanized.
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