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Burj Al Arab - reason for fight within Mazare group?!


14 Jun, 2009 23:48 2576 Marime text
deschidere.jpgThe environment documents said nothing about the way Five Holding company grabbed the grass plot.

The attacks of Radu Mazăre's group against Elena Udrea are just not ceasing. And this after a which in which they wanted us to believe that they made peace to the woman considered one of the most important characters within PD-L [Democratic Liberal Party] and also with the presidential staff of Traian Băsescu. Nevertheless, the mayor's people, led by the mayor's brother, Senator Alexandru Mazăre, started to attack the leader of the Ministry of Tourism.

The substratum of the problem seems to have nothing in common, as the parliamentarian declared, with VAT reduction in tourism, zero tax for reinvested profit and financing solutions for helping tourism. Actually, the most complex problem of the local public administration and its henchmen seems to be the fact that Elena Udrea recalled that there is a Governmental Ordinance no 21/1996 and a Governmental Emergency Ordinance no 58/1998, stating the obligation of local public authorities of the touristic resorts to get the approval of the Ministry of Tourism for the urbanism documentation and for building authorizations. In other words, those wishing to build a little villa or a tiny hotel in Mamaia will have to get the approval of Mazăre's municipality and also of the Ministry of Tourism.

The trend of concrete yachts

More, the plan forbids building very high hotels, which is quite annoying for a mayor who would have everything to attract investors in the resort he is taking good care of, especially when it comes to the grass spots which had their designations changed or to retroceded lands - DNA [National Directorate for Anticorruption] knows how. In any case, to find out what is the matter with these high hotels, we tried to see which are the projects stricken by these new urbanism regulations. And we came across one project for a 21-floor hotel, in Mamaia resort, between Parc and Perla hotels. Where do you think?! Of course, on a grass plot. And this would not be such a major problem, as Corallia Residence, the building of the famous Westhouse Group Company, is located a few meters away. So the 21-floor hotel will have the form of a yacht. Or, as it is shown in the documentation handed in more than one year ago, to the Agency for the Environment Protection, "the exterior of the volume suggest the vela of a watercraft, and the interior, on the apartments level, compartmenting of a yacht cabins". In other words, it will be a local copy of the seven star hotel in Dubai, Burj Al Arab. Or a copy of the famous hotel, as not long ago it has been announced that another accommodation unit, having the same esthetical coordinates, will be build on a lower scale though.

"Ungreen" plots

The project of Constanţa yacht was made by a company in Portugal, MD Europa, owned by the architect Luiz Deusdara. The owner of the local 21-floor Burj Al Arab will be Five Holding JSC. To be more precise, the company owns the mall Brick, which is called by the local folklore as "Mazăre's mall". We should state that although the environment documents did not mention how Five Holding managed to grab the grass plot, one thing is clear: some time ago, on that land, the following message was posted: "It is forbidden tearing off or cutting down trees and flowers, destroying grass spots by car parking or playing sports, waste and garbage depositing" and all this were fined with fees between 1,500,000 and 25,000,000 lei. So, do they build on grass plots in Mamaia?! The new building will have three underground levels, ground floor, entresol and 21 floors, and according to the documentation handed in to the Agency for Environment Protection, the investment will reach 35 billion leis. The building will replace a 1,200 m2 grass plot.

mamaia_five_holding_5.jpgFive Holding + Sigma Trading = Mazăre

The investor is involved in a lot of real estate projects, having a quite controversial name, which plans to build a residential complex including 270 apartments in the area of Eliberării St. - Traian flag station. On 6th of October 2006, Five Holding bought from Bizart Group a 7,366 m2 land in Faleză Nord - Pescărie area. And here the residential complex Spectrum Residence was shaped. The link between these two projects is very easy: the buildings are founded on retroceded lands. Five Holding SA has as actioneers Gheorghe Oancea (the owner of On Plonge restaurand and a hotel in Mamaia) and DITLINE INVESTMENTS LTD from Cyprus. This company will be also found among the auctioneers of Sigma Trading, a company in which Radu Mazăre is also involved.

Blame it on the decentralisation!

To find out aobut the conflict between the "Mazăre team" and Elena Udrea, we phoned the Senator Alexandru Mazăre. He said that he considered abnormal the fact that the minister of the Tourism wishes to get involved in affairs which concern exclusively the local public administration: "This is a decentralisation issue and has to be done by the local authorities. Why doesn't she get involved in Poiana Braşov? Here, madam Udrea is making urbanism. Why doesn't she get involved in the historical centre of Bucharest. That is also a touristic area, not only Mamaia". About the Five Holding project and its chances of becoming true in the condition of the ordinance, the brother of the mayor Radu Mazăre, the parliamentarian Alexandru Mazăre did not wish to comment in any way.

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