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Ziua Constanta
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Constanta is expanding


17 Apr, 2009 23:33 2384 Marime text
1223841790.jpgThe authorities are preparing to turn into Constanţa build-up area the section between our city and Valu lui Traian village.

The municipality handed in to the Agency for Environment Protection the required documentation for the Area Urban Plan for Valu lui Traian - DN3 - Constanţa.

This PUZ [area urban plan] is settling a lot of urbanism criteria which will be taken into consideration in the area's development, and also the maximum height accepted. The documentation also includes how the well-known Traian's bank [in Romanian "Valu lui Traian"], a national monument, will be preserved. In other words, the authorities are preparing to turn into Constanţa build-up area the section between our city and Valu lui Traian village. The documents from APM [Agency for Environment Protection] also mention what can be and cannot be build in the mentioned area and the manner in which the houses will be oriented to the road. The plan has been drafted by Expaco LTD, the one which also made up the PUZ [area urban plan] of the Peninsula. This is a family company. The associates, Ana, Mirela, Petre and Răzvan, bear the same surname: Băncescu.

Mirela Băncescu is also the chief of the PUZ. The area inquired by this documentation is limited by  IC Brătianu Bld. and DN [National Road] 3, in the North side, in the East part goes up to  Bucegi St, the South limit is the railway, and the West edge will be the future ring road of our city.

"The regulation is for hightening the notoriety and the attractiveness of this area by augmenting the coherence of the building frame and by selective functional diversifying", the project is mentioning. It is also interested in revitalising the area and maintaining the values of the cultural patrimony in the area (the great bank of earth). By no means the building will have the ground floor oriented toward the road and pedestrian alleys. The residential buildings will be at the most four floors.

The bank, 100 metres protected

Productive activities, recyclable material storing, waste pre-collecting platforms, inflammable or toxic substance selling or storing will be forbidden. Embankment works will not be acceptable, as they might affect the development of public areas. About the area of cultural patrimony, it is stated the fact that this is atypical for the general urbanism regulation, "still, it has been included in this PUZ thanks to the existence of a cultural patrimony value: the great bank of earth - archaeological object recognised an historical monument, it is found on the List of Historical Monuments, with indicative CT - I - m - A - 02558.05". besides, this is said to be the bench mark of the area, administratively identified as Valul Traian Area, the name being almost identical to the village next to it. The land occupied by this object is protected and the 100 meter area around this bank is protecting area for the cultural object.   Having in mind the pressure of the local demand for building in the area and taking into account infrastructural road which are about to begin in the vicinity of the bank of earth, the PUZ is suggesting having some special measures for protection of the patrimony object and the area around. "The purpose of this measure is to conserve and insure maximum visibility and accessibility to the bank, in this way capitalising its cultural potential and promoting local hallmarks as identity symbol", the documents state. The area envisaged by this area urban plan is spread on a 692.245 square meter surface.

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