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Ernesto Sudati - between fraud and the industrial waste landfill


06 Apr, 2010 12:04 5369 Marime text

"La Piovra (The Octopus)" of Năvodari

Vincentelli: "No, these are old information. This is not true. I don't think so... I asked for his criminal record and is nothing there"

One of the administrators of the companies that plan to establish the industrial waste landfill in Năvodari seems to have been involved, many years ago, in some obscure businesses in Italy, his native land.
His name is Ernesto Sudati, administrator and member of the board in Ecological Center SA (bearer of the contested project in Năvodari) and in SC Combinatul de Ingrasaminte Chimice SA (Combine Works Chemical Fertilizer SA), and also president of the board in Marway Fertilchim. A simple search of the name Sudati on Google reveals something that seems to be the big mystery of the businessmen who came from Italy.
The article published in Giornale di Brescia, in July 27, 2004 says that a certain Ernesto Sudati, age 49, from Piacenza, have been arrested in May 7, 2003.
The article says "two men from Brescia are investigated for multiple international frauds which brought to an Italian-Swiss consortium an income of 24 million Euros in less than three years.
Recently, the public prosecutor of Como Province has closed the investigation in this complex situation related to the world steel industry.

The deputy prosecutor of Como, Vittorio Nessi, sent the closure alert surveys to 11 people, including 8 in Switzerland, with the possibility of criminal association for the commission of crimes against property. The alleged leader of the gang 'in steel' is Ernesto Sudati, age 49, from Piacenza, who was arrested last May 7th, along with someone who is considered to be his right arm, Fabio Benedetti, 36, Desenzano (Brescia). The Romanian police searches P. B., 49, of Brescia, but he is nowhere to be found. Thirteen scams were already reported in the past with various proxies of the Centre-North, but the investigation was started only after a complaint lodged by a company in Como construction of Canterbury, cheated of 1.6 million euros. The band contacted the clients, to whom they offered large lots of steel, also accredited by bogus bank guarantees: the payments of the companies swindled were diverted to banks from eight different European countries and from North Africa".

The article was published in Giornale di Brescia in 2004. There is a possibility that the administrator of the Năvodari companies might not be the same person as the leader of the criminal band described in the Italian newspaper, but there are some facts that cannot be overlooked.

All the roads lead to... Piacenza

A strong fact that makes us suspect that we are talking about the same person is the year of birth of Sudati from Marway Fertilchim, Ecological Center and SC Combinatul de Îngrăşăminte Chimice SA: 1956. If we make a simple calculation, in 2004, Sudati was exactly 49, the age mentioned in the Italian article. But, normally, his business partners denied the existence of a criminal record regarding Ernesto Sudati.

Contacted by the phone, Roberto Vincentelli, associate and administrator of the three companies, said he had no knowledge about the article in the Italian press and he didn't think Sudati have ever made such a thing. "No, that is old information. It isn't true. I don't think so... I asked for his criminal record and is nothing there", said Vincentelli. Manuela Marinescu, president of the board in Ecological Center, confirmed his statements: "If it was true, I think I would have been written in his criminal record. We ask for his criminal record every year, when his administrator mandate is renewed. I asked for this criminal record and I can show you" also said Manuela Marinescu. All we can say is that we are anxious to see Enesto Sudati's criminal record, as Manuela Marinescu promised us, especially that she confirmed the Italian is from Piacenza, like the man in Giornale di Brescia.
SC Ecological Center SA, owner of the landfill project to be established in Năvodari, has in its board two physical persons (Roberto Vincentelli and Manuela Ştefania Marinescu) and a legal person (SC Marway Fertilchim SA). On the administrator's list there are: Roberto Vincentelli, Manuela Marinescu, Ernesto Sudati, Alfredo Cagnani and Federico Sudati. As for SC Combinatul de Îngrăşăminte Chimice SA, Roberto Vincentelli, Manuela Marinescu, Ernesto Sudati and Alfredo Cagnani administrate it. The associates are the same as in Ecological Center: Roberto Vincentelli, Manuela Ştefania Marinescu and SC Marway Fertilchim SA. The mother company, Marway Fertilchim SA has four associates: Roberto Vincentelli, Manuela Ştefania Marinescu, Jacopo Vincentelli and PRF International, from Piacenza, Italy. Again, Piacenza of Sudati from the newspaper. Administrators of Marway Fertilchim are Manuela Marinescu, Ernesto Sudati (president of the board), Alfredo Cagnani (lawyer and city concil in Italy) and Roberto Vincentelli.

The Mayor asks for protection

Landfill scandal in Năvodari began in early March, when Mayor of Năvodari, Nicolae Matei held a press conference expressing opposition and fear that approval of this project will make the tourism season to die. "Matei announced that the court compels him to issue a building permit, with which it disagrees, for a toxic industrial waste that would be built near the city.
"The news that the court forces me to authorize the construction of the industrial toxic waste landfill came as a death sentence for me and for the city that elected me as mayor. Former platform of the combined fertilizers closed in 1996 and some Italian investors bought with little money the land where they want to build the landfill. They will kill not only the city of Năvodari, but also the short seaside has left in Romania, 247 km," said at the time mayor of Năvodari.
He said that it would form "a mountain of waste of 95 feet high, visible even in Constanta. Poisons from all countries of Europe will be brought to us." Obviously, representatives of Ecological Center denied all those issues. But Nicolae Matei went further and asked for protection from the Romanian state, because he was threatened and felt his life and his family may be in jeopardy. "First, I felt that behind this action is a criminal organization... with connections ... This is what I felt. Secondly, in December 2009, Vincentelli and Mrs. Manuela Marinescu came to my office and I told them they should abandon the idea of establishing a hazardous industrial waste management center in Năvodari, that they will never succeed and that we will find other solutions as I had found, moreover, make a plant mineral... Obviously, I saw them very indignant and they told me that they spent so much money, that they lose money because of me and to take care. It was clear. Everything happened in my office. I also have former colleagues who work there and they warned me that I should be careful with the Italians." The Mayor of Năvodari said that, among the Italian shareholders, he only knows Roberto Vincentelli and that he had no idea of the problems Ernesto Sudati allegedly had with the Italian justice: "I knew nothing, but I had some fears that now confirms. I still have some unofficial information that connects these Italians with various clans in their country."
Nicolae Matei also said that he sent documentation related to this case to the neighboring towns mayors, such as Ovidiu, Constanta, Mihail Kogalniceanu and Lumina, and asked them for their support in this "war". The Mayor says he expects reaction from them, especially they learned that the Italians have already reached to Radu Mazare and Nicusor Constantinescu, when the Italian Ambassador Mario Cospito visited Constanta. The visit took place last week and the delegation met also with the prefect Claudiu Palaz. Obviously, the Italian ambassador discussed the landfill issue from Navodari.

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