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Hermann Rorschach, celebrated by Google for his famous inkblot test


08 Nov, 2013 10:24 1909 Marime text
Today, Google celebrates the 129th birthday of the psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach with a doodle showing his famous inkblot test. Users are encouraged to share their interpretation of the inkblot on Google Plus, Facebook or Twitter.

Hermann Rorschach was a Swiss Freudian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, best known for developing a projective test known as the Rorschach inkblot test. This test was designed to reflect unconscious parts of the personality. In the test, individuals are shown 10 inkblots – one at a time – and asked to report what objects or figures they see in each of them.

Rorschach was born in Zurich and spent his childhood and youth in Schaffhausen, in northern Switzerland. Rorschach was known to his school friends as Klecks, or "inkblot" since he enjoyed klecksography, the making of fanciful inkblot "pictures". Unlike his classmates, however, Rorschach went on to make inkblots his life's work. The original test was created by Hermann Rorschach in 1921.

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