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It’s official Mayor of Constanta Radu Mazare was detained for 24 hours (video)


09 Apr, 2014 02:18 3491 Marime text
According to a press release issued Tuesday evening by the National Anticorruption Directorate (NAD), “Prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate - Section for Combating the Offences Connected to those of Corruptions ordered the initiation of criminal proceedings and detention for 24 hours, for the following defendants:
- Mazare Radu Stefan, mayor of the municipality of Constanta, under the accusation of taking bribery;
- Morgenstern Avraham, representative of a company, under the accusation of giving bribery.
The prosecutors consider that there are serious clues and data showing that „At the beginning of 2011, defendant Mazare Radu Stefan, as mayor of Constanta, launched the program of building modular homes grouped in "Henri Coanda" Social Campus, approved by the City Council of the Municipality of Constanta.
Amid the start of this project, the defendant Morgenstern Avraham, as a representative of a company, wanted to ensure his company wins the auction which was to be held.
Thus, in 2011, he gave the mayor of Constanta, Radu Stefan Mazare, total amount of 175,000 euros so he will facilitate the awards for the contract regarding the building of the social campus, worth 40,964,030 lei ex VAT (about 10 million euros).
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