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Mare Nostrum is shaking hands with the occupiers of green plots (photo gallery)


14 Apr, 2009 01:17 1790 Marime text
CAP_2_Mare_Nostrum.jpgThere were instants when the ecological NGO Mare Nostrum ostensibly blasted the environmental initiatives of Constanţa City Hall, but now it's been time for a... partnership between these two entities. 

The purpose is an activity of planting scrubs, trees and flowers in Tăbăcăriei Park (Zodiac area). And this is the very park Mare Nostrum were saying, some time ago, that was destroyed by Mazăre's municipality, which allowed the building of a very imposing mall in this area. Now, peace, friendship and partnership have been ruling the ecologists led by Nicolae Munteanu, Mare Nostrum president. The same president who stated that he did not know a lot of details about the partnership with the municipality, but who accused other environment NGOs of "receiving funds from the municipality". We will shortly get back to this subject.

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