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Nicusor Constantinescu is the „godfather" of a new company


17 May, 2009 23:52 2499 Marime text
cap_3_nicusor.jpgOnce Constanţa and Eforie local councils agreed to found and be involved in founding „Agrement Nautic", it's been time for county councillors to agree

In order for the new company to start its activity, CJC [Constanţa County Council] prepared the documentation for building three touristic ports in Tuzla, Topalu and Capidava.

After founding „Domeniul Public şi Privat Judeţean" [County Public and Private Domain] Ltd, the president of Constanţa County Council, Nicuşor Constantinescu, will submit to the vote of the county councillors another draft for approval for „Agrement Nautic" JSC foundation.

During the meeting on Friday, county councillors will approve or reject founding a new company for "public services of public interests". Obtaining the required votes will authorise the president of CJC, Nicuşor Constantinescu, to negotiate all the clauses of the constituting document of the company and to sign it. The motivation attached to that particular project mentions the fact that, for the purpose of founding this new company, the following will associate: Mamaia JSC, CJC, Municipality of Eforie and Municipality of Constanţa. „The company has as its main object passenger maritime and coast transportation", the motivation is also stating. Knowing that tourism is a tireless and sure way of making profit, CJC management could not stay away. According to the constituting document of Agrement Nautic JSC, CJC allies in supporting the tourism within Black Sea coast area will be Mamaia JSC, Municipality of Constanţa, Municipality of Eforie and Vega Turism JSC from Mamaia, the hotel bearing the same name and represented by its legal representative, Marian Gherman. Believe it or not, the headquarters of Agrement Nautic JSC will be "Mamaia resort, Perla Departure Station"... and, in time, may have subsidiaries and branches in several places along the country.

Activity areas

As previously mentioned, the main activity will be "passenger maritime and coast transportation". But there were also added other activities: ship repairs and maintenance, trading fruits, legumes, meat and meat products, dairy products, eggs, edible oils and fats, drinks, tobacco, sugar, chocolate, coffee, tea, cocoa and spices, wholesale of other foods, including fish, shell fish and cockles; retail for general shops selling food, beverages and tobacco mainly, retail of fruit, legumes, meat, fish, shell fish, cockles, meat products, bread, patisserie and sugary products, etc. in specialised shops. Agrement Nautic JSC shareholders proved to be very precautious, including among the activities they are allowed to develop: restaurants, catering for special events, bars and other activities of drink serving; activities of touristic agencies, activities of tour operators, reservation services and touristic assistance.

port_turistic.jpgThe associates' contribution

The joint stock of Agrement Nautic will be the equivalent of 1,235,000 Euros, which will be split in nominal shares constituted from the shareholders' participation as follows: Mamaia JSC - the equivalent of 200,000 Euro, Constanţa Municipal and Constanţa County - 300,000 Euro each, Vega Turism JSC - the equivalent of 400,000 Euros and Eforie city will bring in the equivalent of 35,000 Euros. We should mention that during the meeting of Eforie Local Council from April last year, the local councilmen had already agreed to the city's involvement, as juristic person, in the constitution of Agrement Nautic JSC. The approval of Eforie councilmen came as a follow to Constanţa councilmen vote, on 23rd of April, pro company's founding. The shareholder will split benefits and losses according to their participating quota to the joint stock.

A lot of work to do for the new company

On the agenda of the Friday meeting, there we find three projects for approving the technical and economical documentation (i.e. feasibility study) for construction of three touristic leisure ports. These will be located in Tuzla, Topalu and Capidava. The first one will be positioned in the South of Tuzla Cape, the area where Tuzla Light House is also located. The project was estimated to 23,049.72 thousand Euros, including VAT and implies laying out an area of 9,650 square meters in 60 months. The second touristic port will be in Km D272 area, in front of Balaban Holm, will cost 8,229,224 Euro, including VAT and will imply laying out a surface of 21,590 square meters in 2 years.

The last project of its kind will be posted on the right bank of Danube river, Capidava West side, in the North of the stronghold bearing the same name, instead of former port of ships for passengers, presently disabled

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