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Nicusor is including Romanian into Pan European Corridor VIII


17 May, 2009 23:46 1603 Marime text
nicusor_constantinescu.jpgWithin the Italian Public Administration Forum recently held in Roma, there was also an international conference: The Adriatic and the Black Sea: two Euroregions playing a key role in Europe 

The event was organised by Molise Region, whose president is also the vice-president of the Adriatic Euroregion; one of the participants was also Nicuşor Constantinescu, being there both as the president of Constanţa County Council and the president of the Black Sea Euroregion. The meeting envisaged territorial cooperation and identifying common projects to sustain a harmonised economical and social development of the communities present to the event. Special attention was paid to the Pan-European Transport Corridor VIII, which links the Adriatic-Ionian regions to the Balkan regions and the Black Sea countries. The main line of Corridor VIII connects Bari - Brindisi - Durres - Tirana - Skopje - Burgas - Varna.

Nicusor_Constantinescu_065.jpgDue to its strategic importance in the economical sustainment of the regions connected, the implementation of this project is prior for both euroregions.

For the purpose of a real connection between "WEST" and "EAST", Constanţa delegation advanced the initiation of an agreement on the enlargement of Corridor VIII, which should also encompass Romania. CJC [Constanţa County Council] president emphasised the fact that in this way a link between Varna - Constanţa - Tulcea will be created, and "this enlargement will be a new gateway to the Black Sea countries". "The proposition was accepted and in the end of the conference all participants signed a joint declaration on the initiation of an agreement for cooperation between Adriatic and Black Sea euroregions, setting the Pan-European Transport Corridor VIII  as a priority for social and economical development of the regions represented by these structures, and also common sustainment of the corridor's enlargement by encompassing Romania", states a press release signed by the president of CJC, Nicuşor Constantinescu.

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