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Nicusor wants computerised flowers in the Exhibition Pavillion


17 May, 2009 23:48 2219 Marime text
pavilion_expozitional_106.jpgThere is one draft project which tomorrow will be submitted to the vote of the county councilmen, by means of which Nicuşor Constantinescu wishes to allot an important sum of money for a hi-tech irrigation system.

During the meeting from tomorrow of Constanţa County Council, a draft project for endowment of the Exhibition Pavilion will be submitted to the vote of the county councilmen.

More precisely, we are talking about endowing with hi-tech irrigation equipments for the grass and the flower plots in front of Constanţa Exhibition Pavilion. Literally, the draft project refers to "landscape improvement of green plots, interior improvement of Constanţa Exhibition Pavilion and computerised command irrigation system and rain and humidity sensor.

The total amount of the investment reaches 1,575,867 lei, including VAT, that is 413,385 Euros. This money will cover the required equipments for irrigating a surface of 5,213.59 square meters, 284 broadleaf and resinous trees, 814 rubber plants, 4,402 annual flowers, 2,861 hedges, 458 flowerpots and 4,491 square meter turf surface. An irrigation system, which will have 2 pipages for irrigating green plots of different capacity and a dropping pipe, will also be acquired. The draft project states that the time of the execution is four months.

inaugurare_pavilion_expozitional_Nicusor_Constantinescu.jpgA lot of CJC money for Iris Garden

In the motivation, the project's initiator, CJC president, Nicuşor Constantinescu, is stating that the institution he is leading has already signed a contract for project making with Iris Garden Ltd company, for landscape improvement of green plots and for interior decoration of the Exhibition Pavilion. From the draft project we gather that Iris Garden company will be given the amount which CJC is willing to spend so that the Exhibition Pavilion should be surrounded by a green oasis.

CJC is keeping a doubtful silence

In order to clear up this aspect, we phoned the spokesman of CJC, Cristian Moldovanu. Asked if the contract between CJC and Iris Garden was signed as a follow to a public auction, Moldovanu replied that he knew nothing about this, requested some time to look into it and asked us to call him back. And so we did, in a couple of hours' time, but he did not wish to answer to our calls any more, choosing to keep silence on this contract between CJC and Iris Garden company. As there is an important amount of public money invested in this project, more than 400,000 Euros, the silence of both CJC representative and leader, Nicuşor Constantinescu, the initiator of the project, is certainly doubtful.

We should also mention that Iris Garden Ltd has as associates Elena and Maria Arion, the former also holding the position of company legal representative.

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