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Radu Mazare wants to sell the Casino of Constanta


06 Aug, 2010 17:15 3730 Marime text

Mazăre really wants to get rid of the Casino

Radu Mazăre wants to sell the Casino of Constanta

Several years ago he granted the casino to some Israeli, and now he thought it wouldn’t be bad to sell it to some Chinese businessmen. But, like for any other problem, the crisis puts him obstacles in that matter too. But, the Mayor perseveres and loudly says that there is no better solution than selling one of the symbols of the city, a building of national cultural heritage.
 "There are intentions to be bought. Unfortunately, the Company in Israel, to whom we granted the Casino and which so far has paid all taxes, became unable to put all their money to renovate, because of the international crisis. But there are signs that there are investors interested, including from China. Tonight I meet the Chinese Consul and I will discuss this problem. There are Chinese businessmen who own casinos in Macao and they might be interested to by this one." Obviously, he didn’t waste this opportunity either and he attacked Elena Udrea, the Minister of Tourism: "These guys have put additional taxes on casinos, so I don’t know why someone would come to put eight million euros in the Casino of Constanta as long as they don’t know the law, or how much are they going to be charged and how much is going to be collected by the state and so on. This is how Mrs. Udrea makes tourism, isn’t she doing a great job?"


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