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Two of the professors with the Ovidius University passed away


13 May, 2009 04:40 1919 Marime text
petculescu_mandalopol.jpgThe teaching team and the students of Ovidius University in mourning. Two of the most representative characters with The University of Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Oil Technology passed away, leaving behind a lot of grieving people who knew them and appreciated their activities.

We are talking about PhD Dan Mandalopol and his colleague PhD Traian Petculescu, who, along their professional activities, contributed to bringing Constanţa Ovidius University to international standards. Among the awards and distinctions granted to them along their activities within the University of Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Oil Technology, at the time when they formed a team, we should mention: silver medal at the 53rd edition of the International Invention Show EUREKA in Brussels, Belgium, November 2004; the award of the Association of Polish Inventors - for the same patent and the same exhibition; gold medal at the 6th edition of GENIUS International Fair of Inventions, Budapest, Hungary, section Chemical Engineering, September 9-12, 2006, gold medal at the 4th edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions - New Technologies, section Chemical Engineering, ARCA, Zagreb, Croatia, September 19-24, 2006; gold medal and special mention, section Chemical Engineering, with the 10th International Exhibition of Inventions INVENTIKA Bucharest, juried by the International Jury for the Geneva Inventions Show, Switzerland, October 4-7, 2006.

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