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Blaga upset with Constantinescu


14 Apr, 2009 05:29 2421 Marime text
colaj_deschidere.jpgPD-L [Democrat Liberal Party] general secretary, Vasile Blaga, cast an evil eye on the actions of Constanţa County Council president, Nicuşor Constantinescu, who omitted to allocate funds coming from the executive to municipalities led by democrat-liberals. 

At the yesterday meeting of the PSD [Social Democrat Party] - PD-L coalition leaders, there were discussed a lot of issues that might influence the future activity and collaboration between these two parties. Among the subjects on the agenda, there were also some problems set off by the president of Constanţa county PD-L organisation, senator Mircea Banias. PD-L president, Emil Boc and the general secretary of the party were informed about the lack of fair play of Constanţa democrat-liberals, who seemed to be laying hands on more and more institutions with regional responsibilities, in the detriment of democrat-liberals; the leaders were informed about other problems on the local and county public administration.

More precisely, Constanţa PD-L leader evidenced the fact that the president of Constanţa County Council and prime vice-president of Constanţa County PDS organisation, Nicuşor Constantinescu, split the money allocated by the Govern, in respect to Ordination no 577/2009, among the municipalities led by social-democrats. "Thanks to this ordination, money is granted for projects developing roads and sewerage. Municipalities were the beneficiaries of these projects, but the sums of money were distributed by the agency of county councils. Here Constanţa County Council allocated funds for 30 municipalities led by PSD mayors and for 2 municipalities led by PD-L mayors", Mircea Banias explained. What is more, those two PD-L municipalities favoured by Constantinescu are Hârşova and Ion Corvin, whose mayors are suspected by the press to be close to social-democrats. About PD-L discontents related only to administration, Mircea Banias recalled a situation in Constanţa Municipal Council and Constanţa County Council.

"We cannot ignore the problems within Constanţa Municipal Council, where Mazăre shunted our request of replacing the councilman Dănuţ Moisoiu, and also the problems within Constanţa County Council, where Gheorghiţă Corbu is still waiting to be validated as county councilman" the president of Constanţa PD-L organisation concluded.

Blaga demands an explanation

The facts signalled by Constanţa PD-L leader were also confirmed by the general secretary of the party, Vasile Blaga. After the yesterday meeting of PSD - PD-L coalition leaders, Blaga declared: "We will need to talk within the coalition, about this matter. Bistriţa is not the only problematic county, there are four other counties. For example, in Constanţa, out of 31 municipalities which received money, only one is from PD-L". This state of affairs seems to have upset the PD-L leader, who is determined to change things. "I have already spoken to Mr. Blaga and he will get in touch to Constanţa County Council manager, Nicuşor Constantinescu", mentioned the president of Constanţa PD-L, Mircea Banias. If things do not get back to normal, the representatives of the two parties will be convoked to Bucharest, and the local frictions will be discussed by the governing coalition.

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