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Comvex - Arcelor Mittal relationship has to be a partnership between equals


24 Oct, 2009 22:57 1897 Marime text

Comvex SA considers that trading relationship with Arcelor Mittal has big chances to go beyond the economic conflicting stage from this year. In this way we show a cautious optimism.

At the same time, Comvex SA thinks that trading relationships with all its business partners (including Arcelor Mittal Group) should start with a plane principle: complete equality of rights. We think that exception to this principle are not justified, no matter how big is the economic entity, or its interest zone or the economical situation.

We know that price is an important element in our trade relations and that's why we constantly explain our business partners the factors and circumstances that cause the evolution of prices.

As for competitiveness, it means money. We invite everybody to come and calculate and you will find out that using Constantza - Danube Black Sea Canal route is cheaper than any other alternative through any other port. This route offers to Steel Company from Galati important financial advantages concerning the cost of steel, that allow making savings, which can be used to solve social problems, to increase salary or to avoid technical unemployment.

Prices used by Comvex SA in its relationship with clients have evolved depending on work performance and production costs. Regarding work performance, Comvex SA managed to improve constantly the work output of raw material, to reduce to the minimum the processing loss, providing more safety in loading and unloading raw materials. Normally, those performances must be in accordance with a fare price. At the same time, Comvex activity costs followed the convergence process with the ones in the European Union. Obviously, increasing salaries and environment exigency take effect in costs. In this context, we point out to business partners of Arcelor Mittal Group that our prices have not raised four times in the last few years, but they just have changed four times, which is an absolutely different situation and the changes were determined by the factors explained above. The same situation took place in Rotterdam in a similar period of time. Comvex wants long term contracts with its business partners, but considers such contracts as an effect of highly confidence between partners. We are ready to participate to the building process of a solid mutual trust with Arcelor Mittal Group.
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