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Emporiki Bank grants the Mortgage loan Campaign awards, for the second month


27 Aug, 2010 14:16 2225 Marime text
Emporiki Bank, member of the French Group Crédit Agricole, at the end of month grants the Mortgage Loan Campaign awards.

Yesterday, 26th August 2010, at 18.30 in the Emporiki Bank Head Office in Vasile Lascar Street, was organized the event of granting the Mortgage Loan Campaign awards - LCD TVs. At this event was invited all the customers of the Emporiki Bank Bucharest Branches, that was eligible for the award.

The handing awards event will continue at the beginning of next week when all the Emporiki Bank Branches will grant the awards to the eligible customers for loans disbursed in August.

This is the second month that Emporiki Bank rewards its customers, we remind you that the Mortgage Loan Campaign was organized during June 1 - July 9, 2010. The customers that applied for a mortgage loan during the campaign period, will receive a LCD TV without drawing, the only condition to be meet was that the loan application was approved by the bank. Therefore at the end of each month the disbursed loans will be awarded and there were cases when customers received two LCD TVs for they have applied for two mortgage loans.

At the opening event speech Mr. Benoit SARRAUTE, Deputy General Manager stated: "We are so glad that we are the first to offer a gift for our customers' new house. The mortgage loans as well as Prima Casa loan are products developed with care for the customers, as a solid foundation for a durable, transparent and strong relationship."

A list with every month eligible customers is available on the Emporiki Bank website,


Crédit Agricole Group is the retail bank leader in France and one of the largest banking groups in the world with 160,000 employees, 59 million customers and 11,500 branches in 70 countries Crédit Agricole Group occupies third position in Europe and eighth worldwide location based on the core capital ratio (Tier 1). Since August 2006, Crédit Agricole Group is the main shareholder of Greek bank Emporiki Bank, currently holding 82.48% of its capital.

Emporiki Bank Group, member of the French Group of Crédit Agricole, has 340 branches and 16 business centers throughout Greece, along with a growing branch network of subsidiaries in Cyprus, Albania, Romania and Bulgaria. Via its wide branch network, which is being upgraded according to the high standards of a new, modern retail branch model, and having the significant know-how and support of its mother company, Emporiki Bank offers a wide range of innovative products and services covering the current saving, financing and investment needs of its customers in Greece and abroad, where both Emporiki and Crédit Agricole are present.

Emporiki Bank Romania is operating in Romania since 1996, having the headquarter in Bucharest. 99.54% of Emporiki Bank Romania's capital is held by Emporiki Group. The Bank operates through a network of 34 territorial units, as an integrated commercial bank and provides a wide range of banking services and products, such as cash loans, housing loans, credit and debit cards, Internet banking, financing for short/medium/long term, both in RON and in international currency, as well as daily transactions (current account transfers, cash transactions), savings and investments, business documentation, treasury services, etc.

For more information please contact the Marketing Division, Mrs. Mihaela Iordache by phone: 0753.053.345, or by e-mail:

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  • BriggsVERONICA28 08 Sep, 2010 02:27 Do you acknowledge that this is correct time to get the personal loans, which will realize your dreams.