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Government must be more agile and learn how to do more with less in the aftermath of the global crisis, shows a PwC report


12 Jun, 2013 11:50 1324 Marime text
Bucharest, 12 June 2013 – Public sector organisations around the world face a stark challenge: how to adjust to “doing more for less”. The new normal is for governments and public sector organizations to deliver services that are affordable, all set in the context of deficit-reducing budget cuts.
The PwC Future of Government report looks at developments over the last six years, with governments struggling to keep pace with changing expectations and rapid advances in new technology – with the backdrop of funds for public services often drying up.
“Tomorrow’s public body will need to act quite differently; more like a living organism, adapting to change, creating prototypes and evolving to address society’s needs as they develop”, stated Daniel Anghel, Tax Partner, Public Sector Leader, PwC Romania.
“One big challenge is to find new ways of how to lead strategic collaborations and partnerships with stakeholders from other sectors of society”, added Anghel.
So how can this vision be delivered? First, the organisations must view themselves through three different lenses that guide their behaviour:
  • Citizen-centricity
  • Internal/external balance
  • Sustainable outcomes
In addition, there are four key characteristics that the leading public sector body of the future must exhibit. These will influence the behaviour needed to deliver the outcomes and impacts:
  • Agile: ready to anticipate situations, and adapt and react to unforeseen events in a speedy and cost-effective manner
  • Innovative: capable of incubating ideas and delivery models, accelerating their  impact
  • Connected: collaborating across sectors/borders/organisations to give service delivery through partnerships/co-ventures/co-creation/co-design
  • Transparent: being truly accountable for actions and outcomes, in today’s era of eroding trust and legitimacy.
The PwC report calls for public bodies to behave differently from the past and to be equipped with the internal management capabilities needed to channel resources effectively and efficiently towards achieving the vision.
“We do not underestimate the scale of the transition needed, particularly for those with thousands of staff. Making change happen will require agile, inspirational leadership and a talent strategy which majors on attracting, developing and retaining people with the necessary attitudes and behaviors”, concluded Daniel Anghel.
  1. A full copy of the PwC Future of Government report can be found at
  1. The Public Sector Research Centre (PSRC) is PwC’s online community for insight and research into the most pressing issues and challenges facing government and public sector organisations, today and in the future. The PSRC enables the collaborative exchange of ideas between policymakers, opinion formers, market experts, academics and practitioners internationally. Please visit:
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