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Green Office internal program continues to involve COSMOTE’s employees in protecting the environment for the 6th year in a row


27 Jun, 2013 12:46 1164 Marime text
COSMOTE Romania encourages its employees to protect the environment, starting with their own workplace, thus contributing to a sustainable development of the environment through the internal program Green Office, now at the 6th edition.
In 2012, the company succeeded to obtain important results that prove COSMOTE Romania had an important involvement in protecting the environment in the offices:
There were sent to recycling 5.92 tons of paper from the offices.
The company fleet consumed with 8.5% less fuel per total then in 2011, while the medium consumption decreased with approx. 0.13%.
The percentage of recycled ink cartridges increased with 34.5 pp versus 2011, reaching 47% recycling of the total number of cartridges bought.
The consumption of water and electricity remained steady.
“Protecting the environment is a vital commitment for COSMOTE Romania and we proved this by constantly improving our results, since 2008 when Green Office was launched. COSMOTE’s employees showed they care about a sustainable development and got involved in the company’s actions by selectively collecting the wastes. Resources need to be saved and our employees work together to contribute to a sustainable development”, stated Ruxandra Voda, Corporate Affairs Senior Manager COSMOTE Romania.
This year, the company continues the tradition with the internal communication campaign which included a set of improvisation theater moments for the company’s employees in order to emphasize even more the importance of waste selective collection.
Moreover, COSMOTE Romania continues to carefully monitor other consumptions of resources in the company, such as fuel oil and electricity in the telecommunications network. Also, the company sends to recycling excess materials from warehouses (cardboard, plastic), industrial batteries and burnt oil lubricants from generators from base stations, and also used IT and network equipment.
Green Office program is an internal program aimed at reducing, reusing and recycling the resources in the office-based activities of COSMOTE Romania. The program focuses on educating and involving the company’s employees on protecting the environment, starting with their own workplace. Company employees receive professional training on environmental protection, while collection bins are installed in all departments, so that paper, plastic and electronic waste may be collected separately. The program is also running in the companies GERMANOS, Sunlight Filiala Bucuresti and Telemobil.
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