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Kronospan Brasov's environmental authorization is suspended


02 Nov, 2010 14:04 1540 Marime text

Cluj-Napoca, 02 November 2010 - The Brasov Tribunal (1) has via a definitive judgment (2) suspended the environmental authorization issued by the Brasov Environmental Protection Agency (EPA Brasov) for the Kronospan Romania composite wood (PAL) industrial plant situated in the town of Brasov. The court action was promoted by the Independent Centre for the Development of Environmental Resources (ICDER). The suspension is valid until the final settlement of the case. Its scope is the annulment of Kronospan's environmental authorization. The verdict has immediate effect and the introduction of an appeal does not suspend the execution of the court's decision.

Kronospan Romania is the largest producer of wood based panels in South-Eastern Europe and a branch of the multi-national company Kronospan. In Romania Kronospan is operating in 3 different locations: Sebes, Brasov and Constanta. Kronospan's activities in Sebes and Brasov gravely violate applicable legislation for environmental and construction permitting, and have already a caused significant negative impact on the health of local people and the environment, due to the emission of toxic substances used for the production of the wood panels (i.e. formaldehyde).

In August 2009 Kronospan completed the construction of a PAL wood composite production plant in the town of Brasov. Its construction provoked negative reactions and worries from the part of the locals directly affected by the works. Well over 7000 petitions against the new plant were submitted by Brasov citizens to the competent authorities. The construction works for the new plant were started in absence of valid urbanism plans, in absence of a environmental accord and in absence a construction authorization. In October 2009 the Environmental Protection Agency of Brasov hastily issued an environmental authorization (no 295/27 October 2009) for Kronospan in order for the plant to operate. Based on this authorization, Kronospan has been running the Brasov installation since autumn 2009.

ICDER's request to the court that lead to the suspension of the environmental authorization issued by EPA Brasov for Kronospan was motivated, amongst others, by reasonable doubts and concerns on the legality of the administrative act itself as well as by the wood composite plant's potential to cause severe and irreparable damage to the population and the environment's health. These effects are related to the use of several dangerous substances such as formaldehydes in the production process. Formaldehydes for example are classified as carcinogens by the World Health Organization. The plant also emanates vast daily quantities of fine wood dust (PM 10) particles, a substance classified as carcinogen by applicable legislation.

"The suspension of the environmental authorization via a definitive judgment should now lead to the immediate halt of Kronospan's production work at its plant in Brasov. We hope that our action will ultimately lead to greater protection of the environment, people and workers", declared Attorney Andreea Ciurea who defended ICDER's interests in the case.

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