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MCA Romania - Mayor of Constantza City, Radu Mazare wearing Nazi officer uniform


20 Jul, 2009 15:45 1629 Marime text
Open Protest addressed to the General Prosecutor of Romania and to the Head of the Social Democrat Party

The General Prosecutor of Romania, Mrs Laura Codruta Kovesi
The President of the Social Democrat Party, Mr Mircea Geoana

On July 19, 2009 in Mamaia, as part of a fashion show, in front of a large audience in an open public space, the Mayor of Constanta, Mr. Radu Mazare, stepped out on to the stage dressed as a Nazi officer. His 15 year old son joined him in this strange, to say the least,  appearance, dressed as a Nazi soldier. Both of them entered the stage marching the clearly identifiable Nazi "goose step".

Mr. Mazare  has not only broken Law 107/2006, which interdicts such appearances, but he instigated his son to follow his "example", educating him to treat the law with contempt.

Mr. Mazare is a person who holds a public function: in this capacity he is obliged not only to respect the law but also to make sure that the law is implemented.

In these conditions we consider that the institutions to which we address this protest have the duty to adopt the measures necessary to ensure that the message sent by Mr. Mazare, that to wear Nazi uniforms and to march the Nazi steps is legal and "in vogue" in Romania,  will be strongly countermanded.

The involvement of Mr. Mazare's son in this stunt, by his father, is an irresponsible civic act and needs to be treated accordingly.

Marco Maximillian KATZ
MCA Romania - Centrul pentru Monitorizarea si Combaterea AntiSemitismului

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