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Plenary speech Security of gas supply - 21/09/2010


21 Sep, 2010 19:29 1968 Marime text
20100520_valean-10_resize.jpgDear colleagues,

First of all I have to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Vidal Quadras for his excellent work on this important report.

Every winter reminds us of Europe´s dependency on gas supply on Russia, Ukraine and others. Security of energy supply has become a priority for the EU, and it is most welcome. This legislation is a positive step towards reducing Europe´s vulnerability and ensuring our citizens that gas will be delivered in case of serious disruption, prices will be affordable, and solidarity will prevail. But more needs to be done; we need to continue diversifying energy routes and supply sources.

Security of energy supply has a different meaning when you are Romanian, Dutch, or Finnish. Our various geopolitical situations require a European approach. And a European approach requires a full completion of the energy market.

It is not a scoop to state that many protectionist barriers remain within the EU. Protectionism is harming the market and therefore harming consumers, keeping prices up and undermining our security of supply.

What is a scoop though, is for a politician to say that politics should back off from energy policy! And I am saying it out and loud! Every day we hear about ambiguous contracts, deals agreed beyond closed doors, monopolies and political arrangements. In Romania, the shaping of our energy Strategy is in the hands of a few people in the Security Council led by the President. Accountability? Not for the Romanians! Democracy? Not for the Romanians! But the consequences of this policy Are in the hands of Romanian citizens... when they get their pricey gas bills at the end of the year!

It is time to ask for more transparency, accountability and democracy in the way our Member States deal with energy policy. Or else, we will not be able to improve the situation for consumers. Let the free market regulate prices, it will undoubtedly do a better job than politicians. This is why we need the Commission to dismantle protectionist barriers and behaviours.

Thank you

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