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Real,- Hypermarket re-launches sliced toasts under real,- QUALITY own brand


10 Sep, 2012 19:18 1220 Marime text

 Developed in four different variants with Romanian producer

 Offers an alternative for the top quality branded products, up to 20% cheaper

 Over 600 real,- QUALITY products in the actual 2,000 low priced products campaign

Bucharest, September 10th 2012: Toast sliced ​​bread under real,- QUALITY own brand is re-launched in four different 600-gram pack variants, Classic, Integral, Graham and Rye. The diversity of assortment and the new nutritional characteristics of real,- QUALITY bread suit well the changes in the nutritional needs of the Romanian consumer: fewer calories, more vitamins and minerals and an additional intake of fibers, for a healthy balanced diet.

The bread is produced in Romania after a new recipe, developed to tailor the customer's needs. „Many clients have told us they want no-preservatives sliced​bread, that should still maintain the characteristics and the freshness as long as possible. So we have dropped preservatives from the recipe and we have chosen instead to innovate the packaging: the double wrap that keeps the bread fresh longer. In addition, the modern production technology gives the bread a validity term of 23 days. The slice has also been resized, so that now it is optimal for sandwiches and fits best in toasters", Raluca Măndoiu Category Manager Own Brands at real,- Hypermarket România.

General nutritional characteristics:

 High levels of dietary fiber beneficial for the body (1.5 to 8 g/100 g of product);

 Moderate energy value (240 - 270 kcal/100 g);

 Intake of vitamins and essential oligominerals (Ca, K, Mg, etc).

Characteristics of cooking flours:

 Graham flour and whole flour are milling diet flours, containing nutritionally valuable components such as vitamins (especially B complex), minerals (Ca, K, Mg, P) and dietary fibers;

 Rye flour is one of the richest food sources of magnesium, which help reduce the "bad" cholesterol levels. Rye bread also brings sooner than wheat flour the feeling of fullness, for which it is indicated weight loss diets.

real,- QUALITY brand, „Quality for unexpected prices"

real,- QUALITY is an own brand by real,- Hypermarket, offering an alternative for the top quality branded products ("A" brand), but up to 20% cheaper. The diversified range of real,- QUALITY articles include both foods, such as pasta, rice, sweets, drinks, pre-mixes for cakes, preserves, cheeses, sausages, bread, frozen pizza, etc. and non-foods, such as detergents or cosmetics. The quality standards, from recipes and ingredients to technological processes, are carefully monitored to deliver high quality at the lowest price for real,- customers.

real,- QUALITY brand is represented by over 600 articles within the campaign taking place these days in real,- stores under headline of "Hundreds of products at unexpected prices." The campaign targets over 2,000 low priced products (1184 food items and 868 non-foods), most of which provided by Romanian suppliers.

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