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Romanian civil society asks the new Minister for Agriculture to NOT genetically manipulate Romania


07 Sep, 2010 14:04 1988 Marime text
73 Romanian NGOs have expressed deep concern with regards to the appointment of Romania's new Agricultural Minister, Valeriu Tabara. The main reason for the concern is that Valeriu Tabara has a conflict of interest on the issue of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Will Mr. Tabara be capable of representing the interests of Romanian farmers and consumers given his contractual connections1 to Monsanto - the largest GMO producer in the world?

Romania does not have a democratic history regarding GMOs cultivation. Valeriu Tabara played an essential role in the intense pro-GMO lobby2 which he participated in at all decisionmaking levels. Mr. Tabara himself does not make a secret of his conflict of interest. According to his latest declarations3 on the GMO issue, he is still keeping in close contact with Monsanto.


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