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Written statement on the Accession of Romania and Bulgaria to Schengen


08 Jun, 2011 19:31 1387 Marime text

Adrian Severin

The real question is whether all EU citizens, irrespective of their national origin, are to be treated equally and granted equal access to EU fundamental rights.

Against the background of the global economic crisis, the EU is experiencing a crisis of democracy and solidarity. We see the renationalization of Europe. In this context, the debate on Romania's and Bulgaria's accession to the Schengen Area has provoked stark reactions motivated by pseudo-arguments and double-standards. This is not about technical aspects, nor about the EU's external borders' security, migration or efficiency of judiciary. It is a European political problem of strategic character. It is about EU cohesion.

To speak about a lack of preparation at our Eastern borders when seeing the permeability of our Southern borders is simply hilarious. To promote national political agendas at the expense of the aspirations of EU citizens of Bulgarian and Romanian origin is outrageous.

Indeed, we need better defended borders, a better migration policy, better administrative capacity and honest public servants. But this requires more and not less Europe. One right step in this direction is the immediate enlargement of the Schengen Area to Romania and Bulgaria.

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