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Message by U.S. Charge d’Affaires a.i. Dean Thompson on Independence Day (video)


01 Jul, 2015 14:36 3000 Marime text
239 years ago, our Founding Fathers adopted the Declaration of Independence.  They believed that all people are created equal, free to think, to worship and to live as we please; that our destiny would not be determined for us, it would be determined by us.  They established our great nation based on these ideas of equality and freedom. 
Tomorrow we celebrate our nation’s birthday at the Embassy with some of our Romanian friends.  This year we also mark 135 years of the U.S. – Romanian bilateral relations.  At the core of our friendship are the transatlantic values that we share.  We want all Romanians to live in peace and security, protected by the rule of law, enabled to thrive economically and positioned to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the increasingly globalized world in which we live.
We will explore every opportunity to unite with Romanians in support of our common goals and deepening friendship.  We will continue to work with Romania to guarantee that the ideas and institutions of democracy, freedom, and equality are protected, strengthened and preserved not only now, but for all future generations.   
Thank you, and Happy Independence Day!
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