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De acum, toate magazinele PROFI ofera servicii PayPoint


22 May, 2012 18:25 4982 Marime text

Timisoara, 22 mai 2012. Incepand de astazi, toti clientii magazinelor PROFI pot beneficia de serviciile de incasare a facturilor de utilitati si incarcare electronica a cartelelor de telefonie mobila oferite de PayPoint, ca urmare a parteneriatului incheiat intre cele doua companii.

Serviciile PayPoint sunt o modalitate convenabila, simpla si rapida de plata a facturilor si incarcare electronica, disponibila in toata tara, magazinele PROFI avand un program extins de lucru (luni-sambata: 07-22, duminica: 08-20). Clientii nu sunt conditionati de achizitionarea unor articole din magazine si nu exista comisioane pentru tranzactionari, serviciul fiind gratuit. Consumatorii trebuie doar sa se prezinte cu facturile intr-unul din magazinele PROFI iar vanzatorul se va ocupa de scanarea codului de bare si incasarea in numerar a banilor. Procesarea tranzactiei se realizeaza rapid si sigur, plata facturii fiind confirmata prin eliberarea unei chitante cu toate detaliile tranzactiei.

PROFI Rom Food detine in momentul de fata 118 magazine de proximitate in 72 de localitati din toata tara, ceea ce il califica drept unul dintre primele patru lanturi de retail alimentar modern din Romania.

"Dincolo de obisnuitele produse de calitate, promotii deosebite si preturi bune, PROFI ofera acum clientilor sai si beneficiul de a-si rezolva gratuit unele probleme administrative, mai rapid si cu un minim de efort", declara Pawel Musial, Director General al companiei PROFI Rom Food.

"Parteneriatul cu PROFI Rom Food contribuie la indeplinirea obiectivului PayPoint de extindere a serviciilor plati facturi si incarcare electronica la nivelul intregii tari. Colaborarea este cu atat mai binevenita in contextul in care cele 118 unitati PROFI se afla inclusiv in localitati unde consumatorii nu au la dispozitie numeroase facilitati comerciale moderne si unde optiunile de plata a facturilor sunt restranse. In aceste spatii comerciale cu program prelungit de lucru, datorita PayPoint, consumatorii au la dispozitie o modalitate simpla, comoda si fara costuri suplimentare de plata a facturilor, concomitent cu efectuarea cumparaturilor zilnice", declară Mugur Dogariu, Managing Director PayPoint Romania.

In cele 72 de localităti in care activeaza magazinele PROFI, clientii isi pot plati direct facturile catre oricare dintre cei 36 furnizori cu care PayPoint are contract incheiat, pentru domenii variate: utilităti (GDF SUEZ Energy Romania, E.ON Gaz Distributie, E.ON Energie Romania, E.ON Moldova Distributie, Petrom Distributie Gaze, Congaz, Enel Energie, Enel Energie Muntenia, Electrica Furnizare Transilvania Nord, Electrica Furnizare Transilvania Sud, Electrica Furnizare Muntenia Nord, Apa Nova Bucuresti, ApaVital Iasi, Aquatim, CEZ Vanzare, Gaz Sud, Grup Dezvoltare Retele, Wirom Gaz, Hargaz, Raja Constanta, C.R.A.B.); telecomunicatii si comunicatii prin cablu (Vodafone Romania, Cosmote Romania, Orange Romania, Romtelecom, UPC Romania, Zapp, Akta TV, NextGen Communications); sectorul financiar-bancar (Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, Citibank Romania, EOS KSI Romania, Garanti Credite de Consum, Patria Credit, UniCredit Consumer Finkancing, Campion Broker Asigurare). Tot prin intermediul PayPoint clientii beneficiaza si de servicii complete de incarcare electronica a cartelelor preplatite pentru toti jucatorii din industria de telefonie mobila care furnizeaza acest tip de produs (Cosmote, Orange, Vodafone si Zapp), precum si de servicii de incarcare electronica pentru operatorii de telefonie fixa cu acces international si de Internet, printre care se numara Nobel si Worldtelecom (Number One). De asemenea, PayPoint ofera servicii de eliberare de vouchere cu coduri electronice pentru utilizatorii de servicii preplatite de tip DTH (Direct-To-Home) la Focus Sat.

PROFI Rom Food administreaza in momentul de fata 118 magazine de proximitate PROFI care alcatuiesc unul dintre primele patru lanturi de retail alimentar modern din Romania. Compania este detinuta in proportie de 100% de Polish Enterprise Fund VI, administrat de Enterprise Investors (EI), cel mai vechi si unul dintre cei mai mari manageri de fonduri de private equity din Europa Centrala si de Est, cu vasta experienta in domeniul retail-ului si care a investit pana in prezent 220 milioane euro in astfel de afaceri in regiune, inclusiv in Romania.

PayPoint este principalul operator de colectare plati in numerar prin puncte de retail. In Romania, compania si-a lansat oficial serviciul de plata a facturilor in numerar sub brand propriu in august 2008 si si-a extins portofoliul de clienti prin semnarea de parteneriate cu o serie de companii din diferite sectoare. In prima jumatate a anului financiar 2011 - 2012, PayPoint a raportat pentru Romania peste 8 milioane tranzactii Plati Facturi, in crestere cu 69% comparativ cu aceeasi perioada a anului precedent.

PayPoint services are now available in all PROFI stores

Timisoara, 22 May 2012. Shoppers at all the PROFI stores will be able to pay their bills and recharge their mobile phones at PayPoint from today, following an agreement to install PayPoint payment terminals in all PROFI stores.

PayPoint offers a convenient, simple and fast way for household bill payments, including gas, electricity, financial services and telecoms, and electronic top-ups, at stores throughout the country. With their long opening hours (Monday- Saturday: 07.00-22.00, Sunday: 08.00-20.00), customers will find bill payment in PROFI stores even more convenient. Every payment at PayPoint is free of charge and customers do not have to buy other products in the store. They simply hand the bill to the PROFI retailer along with the payment in cash and the retailer does the rest. The customer receives a receipt for every payment made.

PROFI Rom Food currently runs 118 neighbourhood stores in 72 locations throughout Romania, making it one of the top four modern food retail chains in Romania.

"Apart from the usual quality products, special promotions and good prices, PROFI now offers its customers a free service for managing their household finances quickly and with a minimum of effort," said PROFI Rom Food CEO Pawel Musial.

"The partnership with PROFI Rom Food further strengthens our national presence and extends PayPoint's bill payment and electronic top-up services throughout the country. Some of the 118 PROFI stores are situated in localities where consumers do not have many modern commercial facilities or many other bill payment alternatives. With their extended working hours, consumers now have the benefit of going to their local PROFI store to pay their household bills free and in comfortable surroundings while doing their daily shopping," said Mugur Dogariu, Managing Director, PayPoint România.

Shoppers at PROFI stores can make payments via PayPoint to 36 suppliers across a range of services, including, in the utilities sector: GDF SUEZ Energy Romania, E.ON Gas Distribution, E.ON Energy Romania, Petrom Gas Distribution, Congaz, E.ON Moldova Distribution, Enel Energy, Enel Energy Wallachia, Electrica Transilvania Nord, Electrica Transilvania Sud, Electrica Muntenia Nord, Apa Nova Bucharest, ApaVital Iasi, Aquatim, CEZ Vanzare, Gaz Sud, Grup Dezvoltare Reţele, Wirom Gaz, Hargaz, Raja Constanţa, C.R.A.B.; in the telecommunications and cable sector: Cosmote Romania, Orange Romania, Vodafone Romania, Romtelecom, UPC Romania, Zapp, Akta TV, NextGen Communications; in the banking sector: Allianz-Tiriac, Citibank Romania, EOS KSI Romania, Garanti Credite de Consum, Patria Credit, UniCredit Consumer Financing, Campion Broker.

PayPoint also offers top-up services for all mobile operators (Cosmote, Orange, Vodafone, Zapp), for landline operators providing international calls and Internet Service Providers. PayPoint clients include Nobel and Worldtelecom (Number One). For Focus Sat, PayPoint provides recharge vouchers for DTH service users.



PROFI Rom Food currently runs 118 proximity stores that make one of the top four modern food retail stores in Romania. The company is owned 100% by Polish Enterprise Fund VI, administered by Enterprise Investors (EI), the oldest and one of the largest private equity management funds in Central and Eastern Europe, with vast experience in retail, that has so far invested 220 million euro in such businesses in the Region, including Romania.


PayPoint is one of the main cash payment operators in Romania. The company has officially launched its bill payment service in Romania under the PayPoint brand in August 2008 and expanded its client portfolio by signing partnerships with a range of companies in different service sectors. In the first half of financial year 2011-2012, PayPoint processed over 8 million bill payment transactions in Romania, an increase of 69 % on the same period in the previous year.

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