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MAE Programul de formare profesională în domeniul afacerilor europene adresat funcționarilor publici din Ucraina


18 Sep, 2023 10:54 597 Marime text
18 septembrie 2023
Comunicat de presă
Deschiderea de către ministrul afacerilor externe Luminița Odobescu a Programului de formare profesională în domeniul afacerilor europene adresat funcționarilor publici din Ucraina
Ministrul afacerilor externe Luminița Odobescu a deschis, luni, 18 septembrie 2023, Programul de formare profesională în domeniul afacerilor europene, dedicat funcționarilor publici din administrația centrală din Ucraina. Programul este organizat de Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE) și Agenția Internațională pentru Cooperare și Dezvoltare (RoAid), cu sprijinul Biroului Vice-Prim-Ministrului ucrainean pentru Integrare Europeană și Euro-Atlantică.
În intervenția sa online, șefa diplomației române a transmis un mesaj de solidaritate cu poporul ucrainean și a condamnat atacurile sistematice ale forțelor armate ruse împotriva civililor și infrastructurii critice civile. A exprimat sprijinul ferm și multidimensional al României pentru Ucraina, care va continua pentru atât timp cât va fi necesar.
Ministrul Luminița Odobescu a subliniat deplina deschidere a experților români pentru a împărtăși lecțiile învățate din experiența de aderare a României la Uniunea Europeană. De asemenea, a evocat experiența personală în calitate de diplomat implicat activ în negocierile de aderare ale României la Uniunea Europeană.
Programul de formare profesională în domeniul afacerilor europene se desfășoară în perioada 18-22 septembrie 2023 la Ujgorod, regiunea Transcarpatia, Ucraina. Sesiunile din domeniul afacerilor europene generale vizează aspectele politice ale integrării europene, funcționarea instituțiilor și procesul decizional din sistemul european, precum și armonizarea legislativă. În ceea ce privește politicile sectoriale, tematicile vizează domenii precum energie, concurență/ajutor de stat, politici financiare și bugetare, precum și redactarea și promovarea proiectelor pentru obținerea finanțării europene.
Redăm mai jos intervenția integrală a ministrului afacerilor externe:
Distinguished guests,
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to address you today, opening the first training programme on European affairs, organised by Romania for the Ukrainian civil servants.
I take the opportunity to extend my gratitude to Madam Vice-Prime-Minister Olha Stefanishyna and to her Office for their support in organising this training programme. I would also like to thank the regional and local authorities in Ujgorod for their assistance in making all this possible.
Before anything else, let me express my deepest compassion and solidarity with you and your families. I know all of you have families members, relatives or friends actively contributing to Ukraine’s war effort. Some of them paying the ultimate sacrifice for an independent, sovereign and free Ukraine. I am personally horrified by – and deplore - the loss of so many innocent lives, and the destructions caused by the dreadful Russian attacks on civilians and civilian critical infrastructure.
At the same time, I would like to convey my utmost admiration and respect for the heroism that Ukraine and the Ukrainian people are displaying every single day in the face of the aggressor.
Romania remains resolute in our commitment to help Ukraine to resist, to win the war, and to fully restore its territorial integrity.
We will stand by your side also to make sure that a secure, sovereign, and independent Ukraine becomes part of the European Union.
Dear participants,
I am here today to stress very clearly: Romania is a strong and committed friend on your path to the European Union.
European integration is not an easy task. I can personally testify about that in detail – including from my own professional experience.
The EU accession entails extensive and profound reforms. It is not just about the administrative work. It is a great responsibility for each of you – because the whole process is ultimately about the livelihoods of the Ukrainian citizens. In the end, it is a truly transformative process that generates prosperity and stability.
I am not here to give you a history lesson, but I would like to briefly remind you of Pylyp Orlik. He lived and fought for Ukraine, and spent his latter part of his exile on the territory of present-day Romania. As author of the first Constitution of Ukraine, Orlik set the ground for a European Ukraine. In just 6 articles, he defined norms and principles which are to be found today in the European acquis.
In an arch over centuries, you are standing here today on Pylyp Orlik’s shoulders. And you are the engines working to bring Ukraine in the European family.
Dear colleagues,
As I speak to you now, I recall my own professional beginnings. As Romania opened the accession negotiations, I started working on trade relations with the European Communities, but soon I became involved in other areas as well, from taxation to energy. I will not lie to you – it was not easy, but it brought me many professional and personal satisfactions. Starting from managing the technical details of Romania’s accession, I was honoured to become the first woman diplomat appointed Permanent Representative of Romania to the EU. I was proud to hold that position including during our Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2019.
What I learned throughout the years is that personal dedication is key.
You are now, as we were back in the day, in front of a historical task. A complex, yet beautiful task. And it is up to you to make the most of it and not be deterred by the scale of the process.
Not all history textbooks mention the many people who stood behind the big decisions. But the results of their work is visible, influential and long lasting.
Dear participants,
I hope the training programme we launch today is only the first in a longer series. You will have a chance to interact with my colleagues, diplomats in the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as with experts from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Energy, Competition Council and the Council of Maramureș County. All of them know the inner workings of the European Union and its instruments, and are eager to share with you their lessons and ideas.
We hope the topics covered meet your expectations. And we count on your feedback to prepare more targeted modules in 2024.
I wish you a fruitful week in Ujgorod and look forward to meeting you in person in the next training programme.
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