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Constanţa de odinioară Casa Muzicii - povestea unei dinastii de muzicieni (galerie foto)


15 Dec, 2015 00:00 7378 Marime text
constanta de odinioara casa muzicii povestea unei dinastii de muzicieni galerie foto 575978
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  • CONSTANTINO PRITSOPOULOS 03 Sep, 2019 23:53 Sorry to bother you with this subject, but is it possible to forward this message to Mr Ion Pritzopol? My father was born in Constanta in 1911, and his name was Dimitrie Pritzopol. He emigrated to Brazil. married, and had 4 "children", I´m one of them, 60 years old. I would like to know if we have some kinship. In Brazil his surnamen was changed to Pritsopoulos. My e-mail is Thank you very much!
  • Dumitru Lupu 15 Dec, 2015 09:00 Ca fost student al Maestrului Dragos Alexandrescu, caruia ii datorez tot ce stiu din Teoria Muzicii, sunt emotionat si fericit de aparitia acestui material extraordinar! Multumesc!